VERSION "" NS_ : NS_DESC_ CM_ BA_DEF_ BA_ VAL_ CAT_DEF_ CAT_ FILTER BA_DEF_DEF_ EV_DATA_ ENVVAR_DATA_ SGTYPE_ SGTYPE_VAL_ BA_DEF_SGTYPE_ BA_SGTYPE_ SIG_TYPE_REF_ VAL_TABLE_ SIG_GROUP_ SIG_VALTYPE_ SIGTYPE_VALTYPE_ BO_TX_BU_ BA_DEF_REL_ BA_REL_ BA_DEF_DEF_REL_ BU_SG_REL_ BU_EV_REL_ BU_BO_REL_ SG_MUL_VAL_ BS_: BU_: DCU Engine1 Aftertreatment_1_GasIntake Aftertreatment_1_GasOutlet BO_ 3221225472 VECTOR__INDEPENDENT_SIG_MSG: 0 Vector__XXX SG_ AddressBusy : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ AddressAccessDenied : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ AddressNegativeAcknowledgement : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FEE3_7 : 0|32@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FEE3_6 : 0|32@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FEE3_5 : 0|32@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FEE3_4 : 0|32@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FEE3_3 : 0|32@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FEE3_2 : 0|32@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FEE3_1 : 0|32@1+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus : 0|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ AmberWarningLampStatus : 0|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ RedStopLampState : 0|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ ProtectLampStatus : 0|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ RoadSurfaceTemp : 0|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1734.96875] "¡æ" Vector__XXX SG_ EngAirIntakeTemp : 0|8@1+ (1,-40) [-40|210] "?" Vector__XXX SG_ AmbientAirTemp : 0|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1735] "¡æ" Vector__XXX SG_ CabInteriorTemp : 0|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1734.96875] "¡æ" Vector__XXX SG_ BarometricPress : 0|8@1+ (0.5,0) [0|125] "kPa" Vector__XXX SG_ TotalNumberOfPacketsEoMA : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ TotalMessageSizeEoMA : 0|16@1+ (1,0) [0|64255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ TotalMessageSizeBAM : 0|16@1+ (1,0) [0|64255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ TotalNumberOfPacketsBAM : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ ConnectionAbortReason : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ NextPacketNumberToBeSent : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ NumberOfPacketsThatCanBeSent : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ PGNumber : 0|24@1+ (1,0) [0|16777200] "" Vector__XXX SG_ MaximumNumberOfPackets : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ TotalNumberOfPackets : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ TotalMessageSize : 0|16@1+ (1,0) [0|64255] "" Vector__XXX SG_ ControlByte : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566884157 CUSTOM3: 8 Vector__XXX SG_ FanInletAIrFlow : 24|16@1+ (1,0) [0|65535] "kg/h" Vector__XXX SG_ CoolVlvAperture : 16|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "%" Vector__XXX SG_ FanFreq : 8|8@1+ (1,0) [0|255] "Hz" Vector__XXX SG_ UreaAddSta : 2|1@1+ (1,0) [0|1] "" Vector__XXX SG_ CoolVlvRunSta : 1|1@1+ (1,0) [0|1] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FanRunSta : 0|1@1+ (1,0) [0|1] "" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566883840 dosingratectrl: 8 Engine1 SG_ testdosrate : 8|16@1+ (1,0) [0|65535] "ml/h" Vector__XXX SG_ dosingrate_flag : 0|8@1+ (1,0) [0|1] "" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566883645 CUSTOM2: 8 DCU SG_ DeltaPressLmpStatus : 58|1@1+ (1,0) [0|1] "" Vector__XXX SG_ LvlLmpStatus : 57|1@1+ (1,0) [0|1] "" Vector__XXX SG_ MILStatus : 56|1@1+ (1,0) [0|1] "" Vector__XXX SG_ COConcentration : 40|16@1+ (1,0) [0|65535] "ppm" Vector__XXX SG_ NOxEff : 32|8@1+ (1,0) [0|100] "%" Vector__XXX SG_ requestdosingrate : 16|16@1+ (1,0) [0|65535] "ml/h" Vector__XXX SG_ EGR : 0|16@1+ (1,0) [0|65535] "kg/h" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566883389 CUSTOM1: 8 DCU SG_ presSCR : 48|16@1+ (1,0) [0|65535] "Pa" Vector__XXX SG_ tposTWC : 32|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1735] "¡æ" Vector__XXX SG_ presPOC : 16|16@1+ (1,0) [0|65535] "Pa" Vector__XXX SG_ tposPOC : 0|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1735] "¡æ" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566872192 NH3Con: 8 Vector__XXX SG_ NH3Contcentration : 0|16@1+ (0.1,0) [-0|1500] "ppm" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566845757 AMB_TX: 8 Vector__XXX SG_ AmbientAirTemp : 24|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1735] "¡æ" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566763325 AT1OG2: 8 Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslPrtcltFltrOtltExhs : 40|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1ExhstGsTmp3PrlmnryFMI : 32|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslPrtcltFltrOtltGsTm : 16|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1734.96875] "¡æ" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftertreatment1ExhaustGasTemp3 : 0|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1734.96875] "¡æ" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566763581 AT1IG2: 8 Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslPrtcltFltrIntk3244 : 40|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1ExhstGsTmp1PrlmnryFMI : 32|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslPrtcltFltrIntkGsTm : 16|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1734.96875] "¡æ" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftertreatment1ExhaustGasTemp1 : 0|16@1+ (0.03125,-273) [-273|1735] "¡æ" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566840125 SCR_EEC3: 8 DCU SG_ ExhaustGasMass : 40|16@1+ (2,0) [0|128510] "kg" Vector__XXX SG_ AftrTrtmntIntakeDewPointMessage : 56|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ AftrTrtmntExhustDewPointMessage : 58|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ EstEngPrsticLossesPercentTorque : 32|8@1+ (1,-125) [-125|125] "%" Vector__XXX SG_ EngsDsrdOprtngSpdAsymmtryAdjstmn : 24|8@1+ (1,0) [0|250] "" Vector__XXX SG_ EngsDesiredOperatingSpeed : 8|16@1+ (0.125,0) [0|8031.875] "rpm" Vector__XXX SG_ NominalFrictionPercentTorque : 0|8@1+ (1,-125) [-125|125] "%" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566905149 AirPumpInf: 8 DCU SG_ ADPressureSwitch : 40|8@1+ (16,0) [0|4080] "" Vector__XXX SG_ PumpMotorSpeed : 48|16@1+ (0.1,0) [0|750] "rpm" Vector__XXX SG_ PumpTemp : 32|8@1+ (1,-40) [-40|215] "¡æ" Vector__XXX SG_ PumpMixPressure : 16|16@1+ (0.1,0) [0|6553.5] "kPa" Vector__XXX BO_ 2566805053 AT1T1I: 8 DCU SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnk1HtrPrl : 56|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTankHeater : 48|8@1+ (0.4,0) [0|100] "%" Vector__XXX SG_ AftrtrtmntSCROprtrIndcmntSverity : 45|3@1+ (1,0) [0|7] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnk1TmpPrl : 40|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ AftrtrtmntSlctvCtlytcRdctnOprtrI : 37|3@1+ (1,0) [0|7] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnkLvlPrlm : 32|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTankLevel2 : 16|16@1+ (0.1,0) [0|6425.5] "mm" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFluidTankTemp : 8|8@1+ (1,-40) [-40|210] "¡æ" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFlidTankLevel : 0|8@1+ (0.4,0) [0|100] "%" Vector__XXX BO_ 2565869137 AT1IG1: 8 Aftertreatment_1_GasIntake SG_ NOxSensorATI1SelfdiagnosisStatus : 53|3@1+ (1,0) [0|7] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1IntkOxygnSnsrPrlmnryF : 56|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1IntkNOxSnsrPrlmnryFMI : 48|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsorHeaterCtrl : 45|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF : 40|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1IntkWdRngO2RdngStable : 38|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1IntkeNOxReadingStable : 36|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1IntakeGasSensorAtTemp : 34|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrPowerStatus : 32|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftertreatment1IntakeO2 : 16|16@1+ (0.000514,-12) [-12|21.02707] "%" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftertreatment1IntakeNOx : 0|16@1+ (0.05,-200) [-200|3012.75] "ppm" Vector__XXX BO_ 2565869394 AT1OG1: 8 Aftertreatment_1_GasOutlet SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1OtltOxygnSnsrPrlmnryF : 56|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ NOxSensorATO1SelfdiagnosisStatus : 53|3@1+ (1,0) [0|7] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1OtltNOxSnsrPrlmnryFMI : 48|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsorHeaterCtrl : 45|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF : 40|5@1+ (1,0) [0|31] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1OtltWdRngO2RdngStable : 38|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1OtletNOxReadingStable : 36|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1OutletGasSensorAtTemp : 34|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrPowerStatus : 32|2@1+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftertreatment1OutletO2 : 16|16@1+ (0.000514,-12) [-12|21.02707] "%" Vector__XXX SG_ Aftertreatment1OutletNOx : 0|16@1+ (0.05,-200) [-200|3012.75] "ppm" Vector__XXX CM_ BO_ 3221225472 "This is a message for not used signals, created by Vector CANdb++ DBC OLE DB Provider."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus "A lamp used to relay only emissions-related trouble code information. This lamp is only illuminated when there is an emission-related trouble code active."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 AmberWarningLampStatus "This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with the vehicle system but the vehicle need not be immediately stopped."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 RedStopLampState "This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough condition that it warrants stopping the vehicle."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 ProtectLampStatus "This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem with a vehicle system that is most probably not electronic subsystem related. For instance, engine coolant temperature is exceeding its prescribed temperature range."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 RoadSurfaceTemp "Indicated temperature of road surface over which vehicle is operating."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 EngAirIntakeTemp "Temperature of air entering vehicle air induction system."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 AmbientAirTemp "Temperature of air surrounding vehicle."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 CabInteriorTemp "Temperature of air inside the part of the vehicle that encloses the driver and vehicle operating controls. Note: See also SPN 1691. SPN 1662 is an additional diagnostic SPN associated with cab temperature."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 BarometricPress "Absolute air pressure of the atmosphere."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 TotalNumberOfPacketsEoMA "Total number of packets received for RTS/CTS message."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSizeEoMA "Total message size (in bytes) received for RTS/CTS message."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSizeBAM "Total message size (in bytes) for BAM message."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 TotalNumberOfPacketsBAM "Total number of packets for BAM message."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 ConnectionAbortReason "Reason for connection abort message."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 NextPacketNumberToBeSent "Next Packet Number to be sent (TP.CM_CTS)"; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 NumberOfPacketsThatCanBeSent "Number of Packets that can be sent (TP.CM_CTS)"; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 PGNumber "Requested PGN in the TP.CM_RTS message"; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 MaximumNumberOfPackets "Maximum number of packets for RTS/CTS message."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 TotalNumberOfPackets "Total number of packets for RTS/CTS message."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSize "Total message size (in bytes) for RTS/CTS message."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 ControlByte "Control byte (I.e. Group Function) associated with the Transport Protocol - Connection Management (PGN 60,416)"; CM_ SG_ 2566872192 NH3Contcentration "Amount of NH3 in exhaust system"; CM_ SG_ 2566845757 AmbientAirTemp "Temperature of air surrounding vehicle."; CM_ BO_ 2566840125 "Electronic Engine Controller 3"; CM_ SG_ 2566840125 ExhaustGasMass "Measured/calculated exhaust gas mass upstream of the after-treatment system."; CM_ SG_ 2566840125 EngsDesiredOperatingSpeed "An indication by the engine of the optimal operating speed of the engine for the current existing conditions."; CM_ BO_ 2566805053 "Contains information on various tank levels"; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnk1HtrPrl "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the diesel exhaust fluid tank 1 heater, by the manufacturer? control software in exhaust bank 1. When there is no failure FMI 31 is sent. In the case of multiple failures the most severe is ..."; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTankHeater "Percentage of heating applied to the aftertreatment 1 diesel exhaust fluid tank heater. A value of 0% means no heating applied, a value of 100% means full heating applied. The diesel exhaust fluid tank heater warms the diesel exhaust fluid in the ..."; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 AftrtrtmntSCROprtrIndcmntSverity "Severity status of the operator inducement system for anomalies with the SCR system, such as tampering, low DEF quality, and DEF tank level. Higher numerical levels indicate more severe levels of inducement. Level 1 is the least severe. 000 - ..."; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnk1TmpPrl "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the diesel exhaust fluid tank 1 temperature, by the manufacturer? control software in exhaust bank 1. When there is no failure FMI 31 is sent. In the case of multiple failures the most severe ..."; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 AftrtrtmntSlctvCtlytcRdctnOprtrI "The desired illumination of the driver's warning indicator for diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tank low level. 000 - Off - indicates adequate DEF level e.g., for Euro VI this is used to indicate the driver warning system is non-active for diesel ..."; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnkLvlPrlm "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the diesel exhaust fluid tank level sensor by the manufacturer's sensor control software. This FMI is applicable to either the diesel exhaust fluid tank level 1 or diesel exhaust fluid tank ..."; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTankLevel2 "The measure of the diesel exhaust fluid level in the diesel exhaust fluid tank. Parameter Specific Indicator: A value of 0xFB indicates conditions are not acceptable for a valid measurement."; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFluidTankTemp "Temperature of the diesel exhaust fluid in the storage tank."; CM_ SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFlidTankLevel "Ratio of volume of diesel exhaust fluid to the total volume of diesel exhaust fluid storage container. 0 % = Empty 100% = Full Parameter Specific Indicator: A value of 0xFB indicates conditions are not acceptable for a valid measurement."; CM_ BO_ 2565869137 "The purpose of this PGN is to group the aftertreatment intake sensor data for bank 1. These values include the NOx, %O2 , Status's of the sensors with respect to the power being supplied and the heating element, errors and stability of the ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 NOxSensorATI1SelfdiagnosisStatus "Self-diagnosis result status for NOx sensor ATI1 (Aftertreatment Intake Bank 1) 000 Diagnosis not active 001 NOx Sensor ATI1 Self Diagnosis active flag 010 NOx Sensor ATI1 Self Diagnosis Result Complete 011 NOx Sensor ATI1 Self Diagnosis aborted ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkOxygnSnsrPrlmnryF "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the aftertreatment intake oxygen sensor by the manufacturer? sensor control software in exhaust bank 1. When there is no failure FMI 31 is sent. In the case of multiple failures the most ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkNOxSnsrPrlmnryFMI "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the aftertreatment intake NOx sensor by the manufacturer? sensor control software in exhaust bank 1. When there is no failure FMI 31 is sent. In the case of multiple failures the most ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsorHeaterCtrl "Indicates the heater status in the warm-up process. Upon receiving a power-up command, the gas sensor ramps up according to a manufacturer defined profile. The Preheat 1, Preheat 2, and Automatic messages are regions within this profile in exhaust ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the heater of the intake exhaust gas sensor, either NOx or O2, by the manufacturer? sensor control software in exhaust bank 1. When there is no failure FMI 31 is sent. In the case of ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkWdRngO2RdngStable "Indicates that the %O2 reading of the aftertreatment intake gas sensor, either NOx or O2, is stable as determined by the manufacturer's control software in exhaust bank 1. 00 - Not stable 01 - Stable 10 - Error 11 - Not available"; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkeNOxReadingStable "Indicates that the NOx reading of the aftertreatment intake NOx sensor is stable as determined by the manufacturer? control software in exhaust bank 1. 00 - Not stable 01 - Stable 10 - Error 11 - Not available"; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntakeGasSensorAtTemp "Indicates that the heater element of the aftertreatment intake gas sensor, either NOx or O2, is within the manufacturer? specified range for accurate measurements in exhaust bank 1. 00 - Not in range 01 - In range 10 - Error 11 - Not available ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrPowerStatus "Indicates that the power supplied to the aftertreatment intake gas sensor, either NOx or O2, is within the manufacturer? specification in exhaust bank 1. This parameter reports the status as reported by the sensor. 00 - Not in range 01 - In ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftertreatment1IntakeO2 "The actual oxidation factor (%O2) of the gas within the exhaust stream. For positive values, the parameter represents the percent oxygen in excess of the amount required for stoichiometric combustion. For negative values, the parameter is ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869137 Aftertreatment1IntakeNOx "The amount of combined NO and NO2 in the exhaust entering the aftertreatment system measured by a NOx sensor at the aftertreatment intake, represented in NOx molecule parts per million non-NOx molecules in exhaust bank 1."; CM_ BO_ 2565869394 "The purpose of this PGN is to group the aftertreatment outlet sensor data for bank 1. These values include the NOx, %O2 , Status's of the sensors with respect to the power being supplied and the heating element, errors and stability of the ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltOxygnSnsrPrlmnryF "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the aftertreatment outlet oxygen sensor by the manufacturer? sensor control software in exhaust bank 1. When there is no failure FMI 31 is sent. In the case of multiple failures the most ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 NOxSensorATO1SelfdiagnosisStatus "Self-diagnosis result status for NOx sensor ATO1 (Aftertreatment Outlet Bank 1) 000 Diagnosis not active 001 NOx Sensor ATO1 Self Diagnosis active flag 010 NOx Sensor ATO1 Self Diagnosis Result Complete 011 NOx Sensor ATO1 Self Diagnosis aborted ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltNOxSnsrPrlmnryFMI "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the aftertreatment outlet NOx sensor by the manufacturer? sensor control software in exhaust bank 1. When there is no failure FMI 31 is sent. In the case of multiple failures the most ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsorHeaterCtrl "Indicates the heater status in the warm-up process. Upon receiving a power-up command, the gas sensor ramps up according to a manufacturer defined profile. The Preheat 1, Preheat 2, and Automatic messages are regions within this profile in exhaust ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF "Used to identify the applicable J1939-73 FMI detected in the heater of the outlet exhaust gas sensor, either NOx or O2, by the manufacturer? sensor control software in exhaust bank 1. When there is no failure FMI 31 is sent. In the case of ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltWdRngO2RdngStable "Indicates that the %O2 reading of the aftertreatment outlet gas sensor, either NOx or O2, is stable as determined by the manufacturer's control software in exhaust bank 1. 00 - Not stable 01 - Stable 10 - Error 11 - Not available"; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtletNOxReadingStable "Indicates that the NOx reading of the aftertreatment outlet NOx sensor is stable as determined by the manufacturer? control software in exhaust bank 1. 00 - Not stable 01 - Stable 10 - Error 11 - Not available"; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OutletGasSensorAtTemp "Indicates that the heater element of the aftertreatment outlet gas sensor, either NOx or O2, is within the manufacturer? specified range for accurate measurements in exhaust bank 1. 00 - Not in range 01 - In range 10 - Error 11 - Not available ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrPowerStatus "Indicates that the power supplied to the aftertreatment outlet gas sensor, either NOx or O2, is within the manufacturer? specification in exhaust bank 1. This parameter reports the status as reported by the sensor. 00 - Not in range 01 - In range ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftertreatment1OutletO2 "The actual oxidation factor (%O2) of the gas within the exhaust stream. For positive values, the parameter represents the percent oxygen in excess of the amount required for stoichiometric combustion. For negative values, the parameter is ..."; CM_ SG_ 2565869394 Aftertreatment1OutletNOx "The amount of combined NO and NO2 in the exhaust exiting the aftertreatment system measured by a NOx sensor at the aftertreatment outlet, represented in NOx molecule parts per million non-NOx molecules in exhaust bank 1."; BA_DEF_ SG_ "SPN" INT 0 524287; BA_DEF_ SG_ "GenSigEVName" STRING ; BA_DEF_ SG_ "GenSigILSupport" ENUM "No","Yes"; BA_DEF_ SG_ "GenSigSendType" ENUM "Cyclic","OnWrite","OnWriteWithRepetition","OnChange","OnChangeWithRepetition","IfActive","IfActiveWithRepetition","NoSigSendType"; BA_DEF_ SG_ "GenSigStartValue" INT 0 10000; BA_DEF_ SG_ "SigType" ENUM "Default","Range","RangeSigned","ASCII","Discrete","Control","ReferencePGN","DTC","StringDelimiter","StringLength","StringLengthControl","MessageCounter","MessageChecksum"; BA_DEF_ SG_ "GenSigInactiveValue" INT 0 0; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgCycleTime" INT 0 3600000; BA_DEF_ BO_ "VFrameFormat" ENUM "StandardCAN","ExtendedCAN","reserved","J1939PG"; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgSendType" ENUM "cyclic","NotUsed","NotUsed","NotUsed","NotUsed","NotUsed","NotUsed","IfActive","noMsgSendType"; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgRequestable" INT 0 1; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgDelayTime" INT 0 1000; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgILSupport" ENUM "No","Yes"; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgStartDelayTime" INT 0 100000; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgFastOnStart" INT 0 100000; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgCycleTimeFast" INT 0 3600000; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgNrOfRepetition" INT 0 1000000; BA_DEF_ BO_ "TpJ1939VarDlc" ENUM "No","Yes"; BA_DEF_ BU_ "ECU" STRING ; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939IdentityNumber" INT 0 2097151; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939ManufacturerCode" INT 0 2047; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939ECUInstance" INT 0 3; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939FunctionInstance" INT 0 7; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939Function" INT 0 255; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939SystemInstance" INT 0 15; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939System" INT 0 127; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939IndustryGroup" INT 0 7; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmJ1939AAC" INT 0 1; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NmStationAddress" INT 0 255; BA_DEF_ BU_ "NodeLayerModules" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_71_SpecVersion" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_73_SpecVersion" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_21_SpecVersion" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_75_SpecVersion" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "ProtocolType" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "BusType" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "DatabaseVersion" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_81_SpecVersion" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_DA_SpecVersion" STRING ; BA_DEF_REL_ BU_EV_REL_ "TAG400i" INT 0 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SPN" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenSigEVName" "Env@Nodename_@Signame"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenSigILSupport" "Yes"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenSigSendType" "NoSigSendType"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenSigStartValue" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SigType" "Default"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenSigInactiveValue" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgCycleTime" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "VFrameFormat" "J1939PG"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgSendType" "noMsgSendType"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgRequestable" 1; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgDelayTime" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgILSupport" "Yes"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgStartDelayTime" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgFastOnStart" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgCycleTimeFast" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgNrOfRepetition" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "TpJ1939VarDlc" "No"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "ECU" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939IdentityNumber" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939ManufacturerCode" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939ECUInstance" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939FunctionInstance" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939Function" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939SystemInstance" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939System" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939IndustryGroup" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmJ1939AAC" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NmStationAddress" 254; BA_DEF_DEF_ "NodeLayerModules" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_71_SpecVersion" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_73_SpecVersion" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_21_SpecVersion" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_75_SpecVersion" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "ProtocolType" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "BusType" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "DatabaseVersion" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_81_SpecVersion" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SAE_J1939_DA_SpecVersion" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_REL_ "TAG400i" 0; BA_ "SAE_J1939_DA_SpecVersion" "2014-03"; BA_ "SAE_J1939_81_SpecVersion" "2012-05"; BA_ "DatabaseVersion" "7.1"; BA_ "BusType" "CAN"; BA_ "ProtocolType" "J1939"; BA_ "SAE_J1939_75_SpecVersion" "2005-10"; BA_ "SAE_J1939_21_SpecVersion" "2006-10"; BA_ "SAE_J1939_73_SpecVersion" "2004-09"; BA_ "SAE_J1939_71_SpecVersion" "2007-08"; BA_ "NmStationAddress" BU_ DCU 61; BA_ "NmJ1939Function" BU_ DCU 44; BA_ "NmStationAddress" BU_ Engine1 0; BA_ "NmJ1939IndustryGroup" BU_ Engine1 0; BA_ "NmJ1939System" BU_ Engine1 0; BA_ "NmJ1939Function" BU_ Engine1 0; BA_ "NmJ1939FunctionInstance" BU_ Engine1 0; BA_ "NmStationAddress" BU_ Aftertreatment_1_GasIntake 81; BA_ "NmJ1939Function" BU_ Aftertreatment_1_GasIntake 68; BA_ "NmJ1939FunctionInstance" BU_ Aftertreatment_1_GasIntake 0; BA_ "NmJ1939ECUInstance" BU_ Aftertreatment_1_GasIntake 0; BA_ "NmStationAddress" BU_ Aftertreatment_1_GasOutlet 82; BA_ "NmJ1939Function" BU_ Aftertreatment_1_GasOutlet 68; BA_ "NmJ1939FunctionInstance" BU_ Aftertreatment_1_GasOutlet 0; BA_ "NmJ1939ECUInstance" BU_ Aftertreatment_1_GasOutlet 1; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566884157 3; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566883840 1000; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2566883840 0; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566883840 3; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566883645 1000; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2566883645 0; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566883645 3; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566883389 1000; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2566883389 0; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566883389 3; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566872192 1000; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2566872192 0; BA_ "GenMsgStartDelayTime" BO_ 2566872192 0; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566872192 3; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2566845757 0; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566845757 1000; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566845757 3; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566763325 3; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566763581 3; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2566840125 0; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566840125 250; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566840125 3; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566905149 3; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2566805053 0; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566805053 1000; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566805053 3; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2565869137 0; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2565869137 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2565869137 3; BA_ "GenMsgSendType" BO_ 2565869394 0; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2565869394 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2565869394 3; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus 1213; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 AmberWarningLampStatus 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 AmberWarningLampStatus 624; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 RedStopLampState 4; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 RedStopLampState 623; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 ProtectLampStatus 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 ProtectLampStatus 987; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 RoadSurfaceTemp 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 RoadSurfaceTemp 79; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 EngAirIntakeTemp 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 EngAirIntakeTemp 172; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 AmbientAirTemp 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 AmbientAirTemp 171; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 CabInteriorTemp 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 CabInteriorTemp 170; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 BarometricPress 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 BarometricPress 108; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 TotalNumberOfPacketsEoMA 2565; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSizeEoMA 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSizeEoMA 2564; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSizeBAM 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSizeBAM 2567; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 TotalNumberOfPacketsBAM 2568; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 ConnectionAbortReason 2570; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 NextPacketNumberToBeSent 2562; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 NumberOfPacketsThatCanBeSent 2561; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 PGNumber 6; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 PGNumber 2560; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 MaximumNumberOfPackets 2559; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 TotalNumberOfPackets 2558; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSize 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 TotalMessageSize 2557; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 3221225472 ControlByte 2556; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566845757 AmbientAirTemp 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566845757 AmbientAirTemp 171; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566840125 ExhaustGasMass 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566840125 ExhaustGasMass 3236; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566840125 AftrTrtmntIntakeDewPointMessage 4; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566840125 AftrTrtmntIntakeDewPointMessage 3237; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566840125 AftrTrtmntExhustDewPointMessage 4; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566840125 AftrTrtmntExhustDewPointMessage 3238; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566840125 EstEngPrsticLossesPercentTorque 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566840125 EstEngPrsticLossesPercentTorque 2978; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566840125 EngsDsrdOprtngSpdAsymmtryAdjstmn 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566840125 EngsDsrdOprtngSpdAsymmtryAdjstmn 519; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566840125 EngsDesiredOperatingSpeed 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566840125 EngsDesiredOperatingSpeed 515; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566840125 NominalFrictionPercentTorque 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566840125 NominalFrictionPercentTorque 514; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2566905149 ADPressureSwitch 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2566905149 PumpTemp 40; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnk1HtrPrl 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnk1HtrPrl 4366; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTankHeater 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTankHeater 3363; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 AftrtrtmntSCROprtrIndcmntSverity 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 AftrtrtmntSCROprtrIndcmntSverity 5246; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnk1TmpPrl 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnk1TmpPrl 4365; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 AftrtrtmntSlctvCtlytcRdctnOprtrI 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 AftrtrtmntSlctvCtlytcRdctnOprtrI 5245; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnkLvlPrlm 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTnkLvlPrlm 3532; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTankLevel2 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFldTankLevel2 3517; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFluidTankTemp 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFluidTankTemp 3031; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFlidTankLevel 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2566805053 Aftrtrtmnt1DslExhstFlidTankLevel 1761; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 NOxSensorATI1SelfdiagnosisStatus 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 NOxSensorATI1SelfdiagnosisStatus 5714; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkOxygnSnsrPrlmnryF 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkOxygnSnsrPrlmnryF 3225; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkNOxSnsrPrlmnryFMI 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkNOxSnsrPrlmnryFMI 3224; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsorHeaterCtrl 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsorHeaterCtrl 3223; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF 3222; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkWdRngO2RdngStable 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkWdRngO2RdngStable 3221; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkeNOxReadingStable 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkeNOxReadingStable 3220; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntakeGasSensorAtTemp 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntakeGasSensorAtTemp 3219; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrPowerStatus 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrPowerStatus 3218; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftertreatment1IntakeO2 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftertreatment1IntakeO2 3217; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869137 Aftertreatment1IntakeNOx 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869137 Aftertreatment1IntakeNOx 3216; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltOxygnSnsrPrlmnryF 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltOxygnSnsrPrlmnryF 3235; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 NOxSensorATO1SelfdiagnosisStatus 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 NOxSensorATO1SelfdiagnosisStatus 5713; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltNOxSnsrPrlmnryFMI 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltNOxSnsrPrlmnryFMI 3234; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsorHeaterCtrl 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsorHeaterCtrl 3233; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF 0; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF 3232; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltWdRngO2RdngStable 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltWdRngO2RdngStable 3231; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtletNOxReadingStable 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtletNOxReadingStable 3230; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OutletGasSensorAtTemp 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OutletGasSensorAtTemp 3229; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrPowerStatus 5; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrPowerStatus 3228; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftertreatment1OutletO2 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftertreatment1OutletO2 3227; BA_ "SigType" SG_ 2565869394 Aftertreatment1OutletNOx 1; BA_ "SPN" SG_ 2565869394 Aftertreatment1OutletNOx 3226; VAL_ 3221225472 MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus 3 "Not available" 2 "Reserved" 1 "Lamp on" 0 "Lamp off" ; VAL_ 3221225472 AmberWarningLampStatus 3 "Not available" 2 "Reserved" 1 "Lamp on" 0 "Lamp off" ; VAL_ 3221225472 RedStopLampState 3 "Not available" 2 "Reserved" 1 "Lamp on" 0 "Lamp off" ; VAL_ 3221225472 ProtectLampStatus 3 "Not available" 2 "Reserved" 1 "Lamp on" 0 "Lamp off" ; VAL_ 3221225472 PGNumber 255 "NotAvailable" ; VAL_ 3221225472 ControlByte 24 "EAbort" 23 "EEoMACK" 22 "EDPO" 21 "ECTS" 20 "ERTS" 255 "Abort" 32 "BAM" 19 "EoMA" 17 "CTS" 16 "RTS" ; VAL_ 2566840125 AftrTrtmntIntakeDewPointMessage 3 "NotAvailable" 2 "Error" 1 "ExceededTheDewPoint" 0 "NotExceededTheDewPoint" ; VAL_ 2566840125 AftrTrtmntExhustDewPointMessage 3 "NotAvailable" 2 "Error" 1 "ExceededTheDewPoint" 0 "NotExceededTheDewPoint" ; VAL_ 2566840125 EstEngPrsticLossesPercentTorque 251 "LossesAreIncludedInSPN514" ; VAL_ 2566805053 AftrtrtmntSCROprtrIndcmntSverity 7 "Not Available / Not Supported" 6 "Reserved" 5 "Inducement Level 5" 4 "Inducement Level 4" 3 "Inducement Level 3" 2 "Inducement Level 2" 1 "Inducement Level 1" 0 "No Inducement Active" ; VAL_ 2566805053 AftrtrtmntSlctvCtlytcRdctnOprtrI 5 "reserved for SAE assignment" 3 "reserved for SAE assignment" 2 "reserved for SAE assignment" 7 "not available" 4 "On fast blink 1 HZ" 6 "reserved for SAE assignment" 1 "On solid" 0 "Off" ; VAL_ 2565869137 NOxSensorATI1SelfdiagnosisStatus 7 "Not Supported" 4 "NOx Sensor ATI1 Self Diagnosis not possible" 3 "NOx Sensor ATI1 Self Diagnosis aborted" 2 "NOx Sensor ATI1 Self Diagnosis Result Complete" 1 "NOx Sensor ATI1 Self Diagnosis active flag" 0 "Diagnosis not active" ; VAL_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsorHeaterCtrl 3 "Heater off" 2 "Preheat 1" 1 "Preheat 2" 0 "Automatic" ; VAL_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkWdRngO2RdngStable 3 "Not available" 2 "Error" 1 "Stable" 0 "Not stable" ; VAL_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkeNOxReadingStable 3 "Not available" 2 "Error" 1 "Stable" 0 "Not stable" ; VAL_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntakeGasSensorAtTemp 3 "Not available" 2 "Error" 1 "In range" 0 "Not in range" ; VAL_ 2565869137 Aftrtrtmnt1IntkGsSnsrPowerStatus 3 "Not available" 2 "Error" 1 "In range" 0 "Not in range" ; VAL_ 2565869394 NOxSensorATO1SelfdiagnosisStatus 7 "Not Supported" 4 "NOx Sensor ATO1 Self Diagnosis not possible" 3 "NOx Sensor ATO1 Self Diagnosis aborted" 2 "NOx Sensor ATO1 Self Diagnosis Result Complete" 1 "NOx Sensor ATO1 Self Diagnosis active flag" 0 "Diagnosis not active" ; VAL_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsorHeaterCtrl 3 "Heater off" 2 "Preheat 1" 1 "Preheat 2" 0 "Automatic" ; VAL_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrHtrPrlmnryF 31 "not available" 5 "Open wire" 3 "Short circuit" ; VAL_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltWdRngO2RdngStable 3 "Not available" 2 "Error" 1 "Stable" 0 "Not stable" ; VAL_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtletNOxReadingStable 3 "Not available" 2 "Error" 1 "Stable" 0 "Not stable" ; VAL_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OutletGasSensorAtTemp 3 "Not available" 2 "Error" 1 "In range" 0 "Not in range" ; VAL_ 2565869394 Aftrtrtmnt1OtltGsSnsrPowerStatus 3 "Not available" 2 "Error" 1 "In range" 0 "Not in range" ;