1. PLC Control程序编译及Login报错诊断

1.26. TwinCAT 2程序打开提示POU数量超出,Maximum number of POUs (2048) exceeded! Compile is aborted

(Index 2202 of POU xxx is greater than the maximum number of POUs (2048))

或者(POU AX_ECDRIVEEVENTCTRLinit is greater than the maximum number of POUs(2048) ,increase the maximum number of POUs and reload!

或者(Error 3612:Maximum number of POUs (2048) exceeded! Compile is aborted)



C:\TwinCAT\Plc\TwinCAT PLC Control.ini 用记事本打开 。找到MaxNumOfPOUs=2048 把2048 改大些。