1. Profibus

1.9. BC3100中有关Profibus 诊断的数据 分别有什么意义?

via the flags area:

        Bit 0   Offline/Passive-Idle 
               0 = SPC3 is offline 
               1 = SPC3 is passive-Idle 
                  Bit1 reserved 
                       Bit2 Diag_Flag 
                       0 = DP-Master read Diag. buffer 
                       1 = DP-Master read not Diag. buffer 
        Bit3 RAM_Access_Violation 
                       0 = No Adress Err. 
                       1 = For adresses > 1536 Byte will be 1024 Byte 
        Bit4,5 DP State 
                       00 = Wait_Prm 
                       01 = Wait_Cfg 
                       10 = DATA_EX 
                       11 = not possible 
        Bit6,7 WD State 
                       00 = Baud_Search 
                       01 = Baud_Control 
                       10 = DP_Control 
                       11 = not possible 
        Bit0,1  Baudrate3..0
        Bit2,3         0000 = 12 MBaud ( SPC3 found Baudrate) 
                       0001 = 6 MBaud 
                       0010 = 3 MBaud 
                       0011 = 1,5 MBaud 
                       0100 = 500 KBaud 
                       0101 = 187,5 KBaud 
                       0110 = 93,75 KBaud 
                       0111 = 45,45 KBaud 
                       1000 = 19,2 KBaud 
                       1001 = 9,6 KBaud 
        Bit 4          SPC3_Release3..0: 
        5,6            Release_Nr.des SPC3 
        7              0000 = Release 0 
                       rest = not possible 
Bit0                   0 = no Klemmbus Err. 
                       1 = Klemmbus Err. 
Bit1                   0 = no boot Err. 
                       1 = boot Err.

余洋 2023.3.8 编辑