1. TwinCAT 3 Task使用技巧

1.8. TwinCAT中I/O idle task、PLCTask和PlcAuxTask这两个有什么区别呢? 后面的Cycle Ticks指的是什么呢?


相当于三个不同的任务,I/O idle task是IO刷新周期,PLCTask是PLC周期,PlcAuxTask是ADS等非实时任务的周期。对于多核控制器来说把不同的任务分配到不同的核心中,可以优化cpu资源利用减少干扰。Cycle Ticksbase time时间片的倍数。

如何设置IO Idle Task 的优先级

General information
- The IO Idle task is responsible for managing acyclic communication from Master to Slaves.
What does the IO Idle task do in EtherCAT configurations?
- Implements the EtherCAT Statemachine
- Sends out the mailbox commands (CoE, SoE…)
- Initialises the Distributed Clocks
- Checks and controls the actual topology
Cycletime of the IO Idle task in a EtherCAT network
- In some special cases (when a lot of acyclic frames are communicated) the cycletime can be
changed to decrease the load of the EtherCAT network
- The cycletime should be greater or equal to 1ms and less or equal to 4ms.
Priority of IO Idle task in a EtherCAT network
- The priority should be lower (higher number) than the task which does a distributed clocks
- With Motion Control the best is to set the priority of the IO Idle task between SAF and SVB.
- With NC I it is in some cases better to place the IO Idle task behind (lower priority) the SVB task.

冯国城:多核分配的时候,不要用自动分配优先级,PLC PLC AUX IO IDLE需要在一个核心里边。

2017.11.28 邱赵煜 编辑